Experience Sharing Program

Submit Your In-Use Photo or Google Review

Thanks for your interest in our experience sharing program! By sending us photos of your Amptec Research brand instrument being used in the field or writing a Google Review under our company profile, you provide us with valuable feedback and data we use for many important purposes. A submission will result in a $10 gift card to the retailer of your choice. Provide us with your submission and see our terms and conditions below.



Submission Form

    In-use Photo Terms

    Photos of our products being used in the field are valuable to us for both research and marketing purposes. To be eligible to receive the $10 gift card, you must submit at least one in-use photo of an Amptec Research brand instrument within the contact form on this page. The instrument must be visible in the photo(s), but you must be able to also see at least some of the field/room/location that the instrument is being used in. Photos must include an instrument, this program is not valid for photos that are only of Amptec Research brand accessories. If there are any people present in the photos, please ensure they are aware that the photo has been taken and what it could be used for before you submit it. Please do not submit photos that include confidential or restricted information or locations. You may submit as many photos as you wish (and we would love more than one!), however, we will provide only one gift card per person, meaning that additional photos will not result in additional gift cards.


    Google Review Terms

    Reviews of our products and services are extremely helpful, as they provide valuable information to our potential clients and help us improve our customer service. To be eligible to receive the $10 gift card, you must submit one review under the Amptec Research Google Profile, take a screenshot, and upload it within the contact form on this page. We will provide only one $10 gift card per person. The name on the Google Profile must match the name of the person that submits this form in order to receive this gift card. Your Google review must include at least 10 words in order to be eligible for a gift card (meaning reviews that simply give us a star rating with no text will not be eligible). If we suspect fake accounts are created for the sole purpose of posting reviews to redeem gift cards, we reserve the right to decline a reward to any submission.


    General Program Terms

    We reserve the right to end this program at any time. We will only provide one $10 gift card per person, so submitting both photos and a Google Review will not result in more than one gift card. By submitting in-use photos or a Google Review, you consent to Amptec Research using either for marketing and research purposes. All gift cards will be provided digitally to the email address in your submission. If you submitted in-use photos, you may be contacted by someone at Amptec Research to ask you for more information about your submission.