MIL STD 810F Certification

What is a MIL STD 810F Certification?

MIL STD 810F is a U.S. military standard that outlines environmental testing procedures to evaluate the performance, durability, and safety of equipment under various environmental conditions. Revision F, Method 511.4 specifically addresses the Explosive Atmosphere (Fuel-Filled Environment) test, designed to assess how equipment behaves when exposed to a potentially explosive fuel-filled environment.

Testing is used to simulate conditions where equipment is exposed to volatile fuel vapors or flammable gases, such as in environments where fuel tanks, engines, or other combustible materials are present. The goal is to evaluate an instrument’s ability to safely operate without igniting the surrounding atmosphere or suffering damage from the explosive environment. During the test, the equipment is placed in an enclosure or chamber filled with a specified concentration of flammable fuel vapor (such as aviation fuel or other similar substances) to simulate conditions that may occur during fuel leakage, storage, or transportation in the field. The equipment is then operated under normal and extreme conditions to ensure that it does not create sparks, excessive heat, or other ignition sources that could trigger an explosion.


Why is this certification important?

Safety in volatile environments is the bread and butter of what we do at Amptec Research. Our igniter circuit testers and bond meters are specifically designed for use in explosive, flammable environments – this includes military applications, industrial environments, aircrafts, and vehicles where fuel systems are prevalent. Because our products are designed for use in these circumstances, we know how crucial it is that they never produce a spark or generate heat. Testing against this standard ensures that the equipment can function safely without contributing to the ignition of a hazardous atmosphere, minimizing the risk of catastrophic accidents or explosions. We believe the use of our equipment should never result in injury or destruction, which is why we sought out independent confirmation that our equipment meets these stringent safety standards.

We have varying certifications for a number of our different product lines to ensure our igniter testers and bonding milliohmmeters meet the MIL STD 810F specifications. For example, the 620UK and 620A Igniter Tester lines were both approved as MIL STD 810F safe in 2006. Similarly, the 620LK/620UK-B in 2009, and the 620LK-HR in 2012. All testing was performed by independent certifying bodies such as Garwood Laboratories and Stork Materials.

For more information about these certifications, feel free to contact us. You may view our various MIL STD 810F certificates below.